Monday, June 7, 2010


Who's motta is prettier

Day before yesterday I got up as usual and did my usual morning activities and was waiting patiently, trying to get the banana out of what everyone calls a 'book', while my amma packed my bag. My achan got ready but I was surprised to see him go without me. I cried when amma locked the door behind him as I like the auto drive to school. Later amma got ready and we took the auto. Another surprise .... the auto did not go to the daycare but to the bus stand. In the bus I immediately fell asleep. When I woke up I was in another house. Amma introduced me to 'Vinu aunty' while I explored the red floor and the many things lying around. Amma fed me the lunch she had packed - Kichdi and tomato pachadi and plum preserve. But for some reason I was feeling very tired and my amma was also saying I felt hot. I liked Vinu aunty and spend quite sometime on her lap while my amma disappeared. I know I met many people there and we also went to other houses but I was not feeling very nice and was what amma calls 'cranky'. Amma told everyone we met that I may be coming down with fever as an explanation for my crankiness. Immediately everyone would touch my forehead and say 'Oh yes! He is hot'. In the evening it started to rain and since I was hot and my amma tired Bipin uncle (whose head looks just like mine) dropped us home in his car. Vinu aunty also came home with us. She left this morning. I cannot find my achan but I heard his voice yesterday on this small thing with light which my amma does not give me. He told me to remember to keep the milk basket out at night which I did. I am feeling fine today and was happy to crawl around the house. The last two days were nice though I was feeling funny. Amma (or Vinu aunty) would immediately carry me when I cried and I didn't even have to pull at her leg and stamp her.

PS: My valliachan, valliamma and valvaliamma haven't been told about my being 'hot' as they would worry and want to come and take care of me. I wouldn't mind that but amma says there is no need.


  1. Derogatory remarks about very important persons will be viewed extremely seriously by the STATE. Issue an unconditional apology, acknowledge that its not a motta that we see here but an ultra modern hair style; that may just be enough to escape censure.

    Remember: I AM THE STATE

  2. Goo goo goo...Ga ga ga that is all I have got to say to you!!!
