Monday, June 28, 2010

I am ONE!!!

One more weekend just went by. This weekend was very special for I turned one on Saturday.
I got up in the morning to see two new faces staring at me through my mosquito net.
Turned out that they are my muthachan and muthachi. Though I was worried initially I later found them to be real nice. They pamper me and make sure my parents behave themselves. They let me pull their nose and put my finger in their mouth and take of their glasses and shiny mala. When I went into the room with the TV I found lots of colourful things floating around. I knew from my book that these are called balloons. I was very excited as I hadn't seen one for real. But they turned out to be real frustrating as I could not catch them. I would just manage to touch them and it would run away. After brushing my teeth (I used to like it before but not anymore but my achan continues to insists that I brush my teeth not once but twice a day) and drinking water (another of my achan's fav) I was waiting for my milk bottle but instead my amma bought this thing which looked good to eat and they all started to sing. I thought they have gone completely bonkers and all of them going "phoo...Ravi...phoo" only made me more worried. But then they all gave me a little of this "cake" and I relaxed. It tasted real nice. Then I got gifts (again I knew that is what it is from my book). I got Digger the Dog (I hope he and Wrinkles can be friends) which occasionally follows me (I am not sure but I think that has got to do with my amma tying the rope around Digger's neck to my feet) and also this real cool looking cycle with a Panda head (that is what my amma calls it). Now I can go riding with Aku, Abhi and Hari chettans. After all the excitement I was happy to sit down and drink my milk. Later my amma made me give away most of the cake to our neighbors. Hmph!!! But amma had saved a bit for me and I had some cake after every meal this weekend. And, she told me this morning that she will give the last piece today when I get back from my daycare. She has also packed me some pulao for lunch and dosa for 11:00 O'Clock snack and banana and milk for 4:00 in the evening. So though it is back to daycare today will still be yummy!!!

PS: By the way anyone seen my muthachan and muthachi? They have disappeared with their nose and mouth and glasses and mala!!!

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