Monday, June 28, 2010

I am ONE!!!

One more weekend just went by. This weekend was very special for I turned one on Saturday.
I got up in the morning to see two new faces staring at me through my mosquito net.
Turned out that they are my muthachan and muthachi. Though I was worried initially I later found them to be real nice. They pamper me and make sure my parents behave themselves. They let me pull their nose and put my finger in their mouth and take of their glasses and shiny mala. When I went into the room with the TV I found lots of colourful things floating around. I knew from my book that these are called balloons. I was very excited as I hadn't seen one for real. But they turned out to be real frustrating as I could not catch them. I would just manage to touch them and it would run away. After brushing my teeth (I used to like it before but not anymore but my achan continues to insists that I brush my teeth not once but twice a day) and drinking water (another of my achan's fav) I was waiting for my milk bottle but instead my amma bought this thing which looked good to eat and they all started to sing. I thought they have gone completely bonkers and all of them going "phoo...Ravi...phoo" only made me more worried. But then they all gave me a little of this "cake" and I relaxed. It tasted real nice. Then I got gifts (again I knew that is what it is from my book). I got Digger the Dog (I hope he and Wrinkles can be friends) which occasionally follows me (I am not sure but I think that has got to do with my amma tying the rope around Digger's neck to my feet) and also this real cool looking cycle with a Panda head (that is what my amma calls it). Now I can go riding with Aku, Abhi and Hari chettans. After all the excitement I was happy to sit down and drink my milk. Later my amma made me give away most of the cake to our neighbors. Hmph!!! But amma had saved a bit for me and I had some cake after every meal this weekend. And, she told me this morning that she will give the last piece today when I get back from my daycare. She has also packed me some pulao for lunch and dosa for 11:00 O'Clock snack and banana and milk for 4:00 in the evening. So though it is back to daycare today will still be yummy!!!

PS: By the way anyone seen my muthachan and muthachi? They have disappeared with their nose and mouth and glasses and mala!!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

My first toy!

My very first playmate was my hands. They still are. I have spend many a happy time tying to pull out my thumb. I don't understand why that one is going another direction; but, I no longer try to pull out my thumb. Not since my amma told me about this boy called Little Jack Horner who sat in a corner eating his Christmas pie and got out a plum with his thumb. I can't wait to do that...yum yum!!!

Weekend again!!!

The last two days were is what everyone calls weekend and I was at home with my parents the whole time. They played with me, took me out and cleaned me many a time (my tummy has gone funny and I did echeche many a time....things are fine now). Everything was nice till towards the end of today. Then my amma started to get cranky....guess I got on her nerve eventually :-D.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Yummy breakfast

I had porridge, egg, orange juice, plum pulp and ghee (Uma chitta send i for me) form my breakfast today. Yummy!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

I am ready for Pokri

Mazha mazha mazha mazha
mazha vannu!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Pokri has gone soccer crazy!

Something has gone wrong with my Pokri! He has not been playing with me for the last few days which was alright with me as I was not keeping well and not in a mood to play. But, I am alright today and wanted his company. However, he was not to be seen. He is usually fooling around in my bed. I keep throwing him out. Then he will be lying flat on the floor until my amma or achan put him back. Today I did not find him in my bed or out. Guess, where I found him? He is sitting on the top of our TV with a soccer ball! screaming and doing all sorts of crazy things during the Argentina-Nigeria game. He appears to be a Messi fan. I don't want to mess around with him till he is back on earth.

I was also working on my screaming capabilities for a different reason. I have learnt from my daycare (I am not sure whether I worked out it on my own in that learning environment or got trained by a daycaremate!) that screaming gets you attention. In fact, the attention you get is directly proportional to the intensity of your screaming. I did put this knowledge to good use in the daycare. I do want to use it at home also. But, it has not been a big success here yet. My parents seem to have gone stone deaf to my screaming, though they seem to hear each others whisperings perfectly well. When I try it at breakfast time, my parents fill my screaming mouth with porridge and they win there. When I try it at toilet time, I end up completing the act quickly to my parents glee.

I need to work on screaming loud and thwarting my parents intentions ;-). The best place to reflect on these and train is the daycare.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Back to uschool :-(

After a week of cuddling up to my achan and amma through out the day I was sent to my daycare today. I was shocked but it was not bad. My achan told my caretakers that I had not been keeping well and so may need to be watched over. So, at my slightest whimper someone or other would lift me up ;-)....and if they don't I just increase the intensity of my bubbubooing. Tried the same trick at home in the evening but I think my parents have gone deaf!!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

I was at achan's office today

I was not feeling well today also. Came to achan's office today. Not much fun(like last time ) here today as Saarang (he taught me to walk last time)was not there and achan did not let me play in the mud. I also did not feel like eating anything very much though achan tried to give me all sorts things. I heard him telling amma that I am being cranky.I slept for a long time in his office, and when I was not sleeping I did not feel like playing.

Monday, June 7, 2010


Who's motta is prettier

Day before yesterday I got up as usual and did my usual morning activities and was waiting patiently, trying to get the banana out of what everyone calls a 'book', while my amma packed my bag. My achan got ready but I was surprised to see him go without me. I cried when amma locked the door behind him as I like the auto drive to school. Later amma got ready and we took the auto. Another surprise .... the auto did not go to the daycare but to the bus stand. In the bus I immediately fell asleep. When I woke up I was in another house. Amma introduced me to 'Vinu aunty' while I explored the red floor and the many things lying around. Amma fed me the lunch she had packed - Kichdi and tomato pachadi and plum preserve. But for some reason I was feeling very tired and my amma was also saying I felt hot. I liked Vinu aunty and spend quite sometime on her lap while my amma disappeared. I know I met many people there and we also went to other houses but I was not feeling very nice and was what amma calls 'cranky'. Amma told everyone we met that I may be coming down with fever as an explanation for my crankiness. Immediately everyone would touch my forehead and say 'Oh yes! He is hot'. In the evening it started to rain and since I was hot and my amma tired Bipin uncle (whose head looks just like mine) dropped us home in his car. Vinu aunty also came home with us. She left this morning. I cannot find my achan but I heard his voice yesterday on this small thing with light which my amma does not give me. He told me to remember to keep the milk basket out at night which I did. I am feeling fine today and was happy to crawl around the house. The last two days were nice though I was feeling funny. Amma (or Vinu aunty) would immediately carry me when I cried and I didn't even have to pull at her leg and stamp her.

PS: My valliachan, valliamma and valvaliamma haven't been told about my being 'hot' as they would worry and want to come and take care of me. I wouldn't mind that but amma says there is no need.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Busy mornings

I'll quickly go through my books while my parents get ready to go.

It beats me!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Chores started already

Today I went to the school with my amma and achan in an auto. I like the auto ride, but was sad that I have to be away from both of them for the whole day and I felt like crying as soon as I saw the gate of the school. My achan handed me and my school bag full of goodies(lunch, banana and a cookie )over to the aaya. My amma did not get down from the auto as she feels sad when I cry. She is happier to pick me up in the evening. After coming back home with my mother I had a banana and then we went down to play with my friends in the flat. Though I can't run with them and ride a cycle like them, I can crawl very fast all over and I enjoyed it very much. I and Akku watched Abhi and Hari riding their cycles.

I had Chappathi, Channa masala and fish for dinner and it was yummy. Then I had some milk also.

Every night my achan keeps a small cane basket outside our main door and miraculously the next morning there are two milk packets in it. Tonight I kept the cane basket out....I carried the cane basket in one hand and my amma held my other hand so that I don't fall. You see, I am still a little wobbly much to my achamma's dismay. She feels babies should take 8 steps in the 8th month. I really don't see what the hurry is. I can crawl where ever I want. In fact crawling is better for picking those tiny pieces of all sorts of things which feel great in the mouth. Almost as great as the way my parents face changes and they go 'NO' when they see me doing so. And I can climb up things. What more can a baby want. Anyways back to the cane basket. My parents were so thrilled that I knew where to find the cane basket and how and where to keep it. Back there I joined in their excitement but now I am worried. I think my parents will want me to do it every night!!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Special care.....extra food

My achan told my teacher to take 'special' care of me as I am the tiniest one in school. I think they have taken heed to his the evening they told my amma to send something extra with my 4 O clock milk as I love to eat and also because I finish all that my amma sends me for eating and drinking by 3 O clock. Yummy....I forgive them!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Bubbuboo....I am hurt

Today I came back home with a bruised right cheek. My 'teacher' told amma that I hurt myself while playing with a very 'baby unfriendly' rattle. Teacher was very apologetic and amma did not say anything. But wait till my father (who does not believe what the teacher told and thinks that I fell down and hurt myself) sees her tomorrow morning when he goes to leave me there for the day! Hmph!!!