Sunday, May 12, 2019

Elixir of an idea.

I spent the 'post exam- pre vacation' period of 2019 with grandparents at Trivandrum'  in Gaulish village with Asterix and party,  having spent day and night pouring over the complete collection of the comic. While not being impresed by the  health benefits of Kalari which I had been practicing for the previous 10 months,( though according to achan has  very good and obvious effects: chistled chest, firm and flat stomach and  great posture blah, blah blah )I  was convinced that the only way to attain super power is to invent an elixir as Getafix do. The start of vacation  at Trivandrum resulted in escape from the miseries  of kalari and  upturn in financial fortunes (though I regretted missing a rather big Vishukkaineettam from achamma ) with special  rates for massages and facial forcefully delivered to Muthachan. I coul use these  intimate sessions with Muthachan to get peeks into Murhachan's financial health and further analysis of the same.  On learning that the main source of Muthachan's income is his pension, i  also gathered that it will last only till Muthachan lasts. I am   in the quest for an elixir to keep muthachan in the pension-earning (and possibly story telling)state for ever. I know   from what i have seen in kalari that any amount of massage can do only as much as it does and the sutuation calls for an elixir to be invented.