Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sometimes it all gets too much at home....

and then the only thing to do is to pack your stuff, leave and then......

sit in a shade and wait for amma to take you back.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Grandson of an Artist!

Bold strokes

Bolder strokes

Master piece

Lecture demo.

With Ammamma preparing for her exhibition of sculptures and paintings there were paints, paintbrushes and canvasses lying around. Watching her at work I also learnt what air to put on when playing with those stuff.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Happy and Me!!!

Happy tried to take my chair but I got him off ... with a bit of help from Muthachan.

Rain rain...stay!

I love water. Be it the tickle of my soo-soo or the 'kullu kullu' water from the tap, I try to splash around in it. The former is severely discouraged by my amma (which I find surprising ... after all she is the one who is most particular that I do soo-soo in the first place). But nothing prepared me for the fun I had in the rain the other day. Muthachan made me some boats but I found that the leaves flow as well. Water just poured and poured from everywhere. Now I don't understand the rhyme "Rain Rain Go Away"!?!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Helping hand!!!

I help valliyama make chapapais and also ensure that muthachan gets his daily exercise!!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

In case my achan is wondering what I am upto!?!

Am busy with so many things -

My tank...was confiscated by my amma before "I did any major damage" according to her. How ignorant can one be...tank is exactly for that purpose!!!

Anna purathe and Etham with muthachan.

Everyone's pet is that you? YES YES YES!

Hmm...except may be Happy's!!!

Hope your life is as exciting as mine!!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Disappearing act again!!!

My achan is missing again. Amma, achan and I came to 'pandrum' a few days back and we celebrated achan's birthday too....

then he disappeared! Can't find the "kurache bakki" cake either!!!