Saturday, September 11, 2010

In a cake shop

I am back ...... as you can see I couldn't blog because I was busy growing. My achan who reappeared a week or so back was surprised to see how big I have become and to learn about all the great tricks I know to do now. Not only can I walk but I can also dance. I can say many things (kaka, enna, ella, poove, chedi, kaattu, amma, kaal, kotta, kuda, Happy, tata and povaam, okay, No) and I know about many more stuff but cannot say them yet but am practicing.

My biggest accomplishment is that I can now hold my shoo-shoo in. I can hold on through the many minutes my parents put me on my potty. I can even hold on when my amma tickles cold water down my back or leg. And when I am finally back in my trousers I can let go of my shoo-shoo. My parents don't appear at all pleased by my ability and I just don't understand their behaviour. Isn't this what is called "TOILET TRAINED".