Saturday, July 17, 2010

World under my feet!

From Thillenkeri with love!

1st Pirannal-14th July 2010

It has been some time since I wrote...I have been busy the last week. The week started as usual doing routine morning stuff and evening stuff with daycare in between. Then one day my parents woke me up earlier than usual and dressed me up in a 'fancy' kurta pyjama and off we went in a car. I have been in cars before but this time we sat in the front and my achan was turning this round thing and pulling at a stick. My offer to help was rudely declined and so I settled down in my amma's lap to sleep. I slept more or less through the drive except for a short break to drink milk. When my amma woke me up we were in this huge house with lots of 'poove'. I made sure that I held onto my achan or amma real tight so that they don't leave me here and go off. There were many smiling people but I refused to go to any of them willingly. Of course I couldn't do much when they ignored my protests and carried me off anyway. My parents were of no help here either as they would smile and hand me over. Then I would take a good look at the things they showed me or quickly eat what ever was offered and then bawl real hard. The bawling ensured that who ever was holding me ran and handed me off to my achan or amma. They were very understanding and knew that I was worried because the place was huge and dark. Later I did enjoy holding my achan or amma's hand and taking them for a walk in and out of the many rooms and up and down the veranda and playing in the mud. But for now I was not so sure though my achan told that they were my achachan and achamma and valliyachans and valliyamas. And ofcourse my chitamma and chitappan. My achachan would smile and talk to me and watch me but never forced me to go to him. My achamma tried to take me many a time but I was worried and cried. However I was more than willing to eat all the many things she would put in my mouth. In fact she always had something for me to chew on. My valliyachans and valliyammas took me for a walk even though I protested but I am glad they did as they showed me kaka and poove and children and fields and many other things I never seen before. I was happy to play with Aravind ettan and Anandu ettan. We also went to Kezhrur where my chitta lives and there I played with Deepechi and Akhilesh ettan.

So, why did we make this trip...turns out I turned one again. Now I am confused!!!
But, I do appreciate two celebrate this time my achamma and chitta made a nice lunch (rice, moorecurry, chakka erusheri, upperi, papaddam etc) which we ate from a banana leaf. I also had payasam and chocolate which Aravind ettan and Anandu ettan had given me as 'pernal samannam'. I also got a small toy train from Anandu ettan as pirannal sammanam.

We came back home the next day. This time I did not sleep in the car the whole way. I looked out of the window at the rain, played and sang songs.

Back home I am busy practicing to walk. I can take bout 10 steps and then I fall.

I am also working on my bladder control about which I will write another post.

Viva Espana

Viva Iniesta! Achan shaved my head when Spain won the world cup.
In Spanish colors!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I dance....or is it Bounce!?!

My amma and achan find it funny when I come running (read crawling) from the kitchen on hearing Shakira sing. Wonder why? The whole world is dancing to the tunes of Shakira .... so am I. But unlike Shakira my hips don't move at all but all other parts go up and down - one toah (read two), one toah. Oh, anyways....WAKA WAKA HEY HEY!!!